Our technical capabilities in planning, monitoring and assessment, engineering, operational systems, risk and safety mean that we can deliver the right solution across the EIA process, from conceptual design through to implementation. We apply a variety of state of the art assessment tools, from GIS to noise software, air dispersion modeling and visualization techniques.
If an EIA is necessary, the ‘scoping’ provisions can be used to determine the scope and methodology of the EIA. Unnecessary requirements can be discounted at an early stage to avoid unnecessary work. Developers (promoters) and the LPA should discuss and agree the scope of the EIA in advance of its preparation.
The EIA process normally follows as a series of well defined steps:
Defining the assessment methodology and assessment (evaluative) criteria
Establishing the baseline
Consideration of the main alternatives
Prediction of significant effects (positive and negative, direct and indirect, secondary, cumulative, short, medium and long-term, permanent and temporary)
Measures envisaged to prevent, reduce and where possible offset any significant adverse effects on the environment
Schedule of significant effects
Production of the “Environmental Statement” and a “Non-technical Summary”.
Consultation is mandatory and effective stakeholder participation especially at the early stages of the process can help to build confidence and reach agreement on controversial matters, thereby minimizing the risk of a legal challenge at a later date.
We also bring a thorough understanding of local regulatory systems and cultural sensitivities - where appropriate, we can integrate social and health impact assessments into the EIA process (ESIA, EHIA) - to ensure our solutions satisfy both regulators and stakeholders alike.