about us

Company Overview

Key Objectives

  • Lobby with the government ministries and lead agencies in the transport and affiliated sectors

  • Provide knowledge transfer through training seminars and public participation forums

  • Provide liaison with NGOs and government institutions

Mission Statement

The mission of MARTS Group Operations is to provide the services needed to meet market demand in becoming the share and quality leader in safety design, consulting and management services provider. This will be accomplished by providing superior services through new-product innovation at reasonable cost.

Distinctive Competence

MARTS Group operations are distinctive in terms of its operations.


Lower Cost

Marts Logistics strives to lower its operational costs yet offers its highest quality to acquire this, all operations check and controls are observed by the entire staff of the group.

People Oriented

The group adopts a "good off-time" or such mechanism for encouraging creative thinking at the group's expense i.e. managers are encouraged to adopt a literal thinking and initiative decision making and give sufficient authority to commit their departments without further consultation.

Information Technology

The Company strives to computerize its internal workings and it’s the company’s policy to enroll and train our staff on the fully computerized operations of the company.